Impact Factor: 1.70
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JMNI 2008
4th Black Forest Forum
Bone quality: Emperor’s new clothes
T.L.N. Järvinen, P. Kannus, H. Sievänen
4th Black Forest Forum / Presentation
Mechanostat function during skeletal development
T. Skerry
4th Black Forest Forum
Phenotypic characterization of mouse models for bone-related diseases in the German Mouse Clinic
H. Fuchs, T. Lisse, W. Hans, K. Abe, F. Thiele, V. Gailus-Durner, M. Hrabe de Angelis
4th Black Forest Forum
Phytoestrogenic compounds for prevention of steroid-associated osteonecrosis
L. Qin, G. Zhang, H. Sheng, X.L. Wang, Y.X. Wang, K.W. Yeung, J.F. Griffith, Z.R. Li, K.S. Leung, X.S. Yao
4th Black Forest Forum
Could image analysis of pQCT scans provide additional information about bone strength?
S. de Bono, M.A. Laskey, C.N. Shaw, D. Zhu, P.J. Laskey, A. Prentice
4th Black Forest Forum
Bone markers and bone mineral density in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
A-C. Söderpalm, P. Magnusson, A-C. Åhlander, J. Karlsson, A-K. Kroksmark, M. Tulinius, D. Swolin-Eide
Original Article
Age and motor score predict osteoprotegerin level in chronic spinal cord injury
L.R. Morse, H.P. Nguyen, N. Jain, S. Williams, C.G. Tun, R.A. Battaglino, P. Stashenko, E. Garshick
Original Article
Biomechanics of leg deformity treatment
J. Culik, I. Marik, E.P. Cerny
Original Article
Decline of specific peak jumping power with age in master runners
I. Michaelis, A. Kwiet, U. Gast, A. Boshof, T. Antvorskov, T. Jung, J. Rittweger, D. Felsenberg
Original Article
Site specific bone adaptation response to mechanical loading
S.J. Kuruvilla, S.D. Fox, D.M. Cullen, M.P. Akhter
M. Bliziotes
Original Article
CART deficiency increases body weight but does not alter bone strength
S.M. Bartell, C.M. Isales, C.A. Baile, M.J. Kuhar, M.W. Hamrick
Original Article
Whole body vibration in cystic fibrosis – a pilot study
J. Roth, M. Wust, R. Rawer, D. Schnabel, G. Armbrecht, G. Beller, I. Rembitzki, U. Wahn, D. Felsenberg, D. Staab
Original Article
Lack of association between vitamin D and calcitonin receptor gene polymorphisms and forearm bone values of young Greek males
I. Charopoulos, G. Trovas, M. Stathopoulou, P. Kyriazopoulos, A. Galanos, G. Dedoussis, E. Antonogiannakis, G.P. Lyritis
Review Article
Rehabilitation after falls and fractures
Y. Dionyssiotis, I.A. Dontas, D. Economopoulos, G.P. Lyritis
Original Article
HLA-B27 rats develop osteopaenia through increased bone resorption without any change in bone formation
I. Papet, M. El Yousfi, J-P. Godin, A-F. Mermoud, M-J. Davicco, V. Coxam, D. Breuillé, C. Obled
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Introduction to skeletal genetics
M.J. Econs
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Gene targeting approaches in mice: Assessing the roles of LRP5 and LRP6 in osteoblasts
C.R. Zylstra, C. Wan, K.K. VanKoevering, A.K. Sanders, C. Lindvall, T.L. Clemens, B.O. Williams
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Modulating chondrocyte hypertrophy in growth plate and osteoarthritic cartilage
S.J. Gauci, S.B. Golub, L. Tutolo, C.B. Little, N.A. Sims, E.R. Lee, E.J. Mackie, A.J. Fosang
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Blocking VEGF as a potential approach to improve cartilage healing after osteoarthritis
T. Matsumoto, G.M. Cooper, B. Gharaibeh, L.B. Meszaros, G. Li, A. Usas, F.H. Fu, J. Huard
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Unique roles of microRNA140 and its host gene WWP2 in cartilage biology
Y. Nakamura, X. He, T. Kobayashi, Y-L Yan, J.H. Postlethwait, M.L. Warman
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Role of hypoxia inducible factor-1α pathway in bone regeneration
C. Wan, S.R. Gilbert, Y. Wang, X.M. Cao, X. Shen, G. Ramaswamy, K.A. Jacobsen, Z.S. Alaql, L.C. Gerstenfeld, T.A. Einhorn, A.W. Eberhardt, L. Deng, R.E. Guldberg, T.L. Clemens
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Nanomechanics and bone tissue quality
X.E. Guo
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Effects of nanomechanical bone tissue properties on bone tissue strain: Implications for osteocyte mechanotransduction
D.P. Nicolella, J.Q. Feng, D.E. Moravits, A.R. Bonivitch, Y. Wang, V. Dusecich, W. Yao, N. Lane, L.F. Bonewald
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Strain amplification and integrin based signaling in osteocytes
Y. Wang, L.M. McNamara, M.B. Schaffler, S. Weinbaum
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Bone as an integral part of energy metabolism
B. Lecka-Czernik
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Nutritional hormones and the entero-osseous axis
C.M. Isales and M. Hamrick
38th Int. Sun Valley Workshop
Reciprocal regulation of bone and energy metabolism
N.K. Lee and G. Karsenty
Original Article
Cortical bone response adjacent to applied light orthodontic forces in ovariectomized rats
A.I. Tsolakis, L. Khaldi, M. Makou, G.P. Lyritis, M.N. Spyropoulos, I.A. Dontas